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Distance from Troas Turkey to Philippi Greece

There is driving distance between and .

There is estimated duration to reach destination.

Distance Conversions

Here is the distance in miles, and kilometers between and

Distance type Miles Kilometers Nautical Miles
Driving distance
Straight distance

About Troas Turkey


Troáda), or Troas (/ˈtroʊəs/; Ancient Greek: Τρῳάς, Trōiás or Τρωϊάς, Trōïás), is the historical name of the Biga Peninsula (modern Turkish: Biga Yarımadası)

Alexandria Troas

Alexandria Troas ("Alexandria of the Troad"; Greek: Αλεξάνδρεια Τρωάς; Turkish: Eski Stambul) is the site of an ancient Greek city situated on the Aegean


of the Biga Peninsula where ancient Troy is situated was called Troas. Alexandria Troas, an important settlement of the region, was a free trade port and

Cem Yiğit Üzümoğlu

Artist of the Year". In 2018, he appeared on the stage again with the plays Troas and Kalp. In 2019, he joined the cast of Evlat, a play directed by İbrahim

List of cities founded by Alexander the Great

present-day locations): Modern Bulgaria Alexandropolis Maedica Modern Turkey Alexandria Troas, modern Dalyan Alexandria by the Latmus, possibly Alinda Alexandria

About Philippi Greece


Philippi (/fɪˈlɪpaɪ, ˈfɪləˌpaɪ/; Greek: Φίλιπποι, Philippoi) was a major Greek city northwest of the nearby island, Thasos. Its original name was Crenides

Battle of Philippi

The Battle of Philippi was the final battle in the Wars of the Second Triumvirate between the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian (of the Second Triumvirate)

List of World Heritage Sites in Greece

recent site added was the Archaeological Site of Philippi, in 2016. There are no transnational sites in Greece. In addition, there are 14 sites on the tentative

Presian I of Bulgaria

along the Aegean coasts of Thrace and Macedonia and captured the city of Philippi, where he set up a surviving memorial inscription set up in a local church

Caesarea Philippi

Caesarea Philippi (/ˌsɛsəˈriːə fɪˈlɪpaɪ/; Latin: Caesarea Philippi, literally "Philip's Caesarea"; Ancient Greek: Καισαρεία Φιλίππεια Kaisareía Philíppeia)